This website section is mainly for me to learn and remember new technology. -remo
I and trying to bring some organization to a Public Art Collab. The process is clear:
- Locate public art opportunities
- Submit RFQs (Request For Qualifications)
- If selected, create a proposal and cross your figures.
This process can be streamlined if we use some organizing apps. Since most of the calls will come from CAFE. I am setting up a workflow that uses the following technology.
- CAFE: locate possible public-art calls, then enter them into Card in…
- TRELLO: All the info needed can be in a card and moved along through various stages of completion:
- Eligible: where we can both look it over and discuss whether to:
- Move it on to the idea development column
- Just submit a generic RFQ, or
- Put it in the rejected column.
- Propose Idea: where we discuss ideas and approaches to the call.
- Render Idea: where we visualize the idea.
- Submitted: where we put all the pieces together and submit.
- Rejected: we could just delete, but it might be good to have reject column.
- Eligible: where we can both look it over and discuss whether to:
- GOOGLE DRIVE: I have set up a Google drive for all the proposals and project we have done. (I believe you can create a bridge between Trello and a google drive…will research this now. Also, I will set up a page to outline the drive hierarchical scheme.)