PechaKucha Virtual

Covid has force us to go virtual with our PechaKucha Program. Remo campoiano have done some preliminary research and it is outlined here.

Virtual PechaKucha Tech

The easiest way to create a PechaKucha is to use the International PechaKucha Organization’s creation system.

Here is their web address:

Direct links to PK Create:

The way It Works

  1. You prepare 20 images (jpeg or png) in advance using Photoshop or something like it.
  2. You upload them to their system.
  3. You can practice presenting (speaking) in one of two ways:
  4. One slide at a time (you can redo do it before moving to the next slide)
  5. Or, starting the slides and doing the whole 6.4 minute without stopping (you can see when the slide changes).
  6. As the system records your voice, it creates a text transcript.
  7. When you feel like you have it, you publish it and it creates a video.

Pros & Cons

The pros are:

  • It is far less work then doing it the old way with PowerPoint or Google Slides.
  • It creates the video.
  • It enters it in the international area.

The cons are:

  • You have to compose your slides (including text) in an image editor like Photoshop. You can’t use Google Slides or PowerPoint. (I could be wrong about this, but without tech support I can’t be sure.)
  • Their system is new, probably Beta.
  • There is little support unless we pay for a Team subscription ($80/month)
    (I had no luck in getting anyone to respond to my emails.)
  • I don’t think you can easily do live presentations.
     (We should discuss this at meeting.)

In my opinion the pros outweigh the cons because they are just technical and money cons, which may be overcome.

ZOOM PechaKucha Nights

Zoom is the obvious choice to do a virtual PechaKucha. However, it will take a skilled technical zoom coordinator to manage the visitors and presenters. There would need to be a trial run a couple of days before the event.

Training Participants

The hardest job is going to be training the presenters. They will need to:

  1. Organize their thoughts
  2. Choose imagery to use in their slides
  3. Create their slide in Photoshop
  4. Add text in Photoshop if they need text
  5. Upload their images to the PK CREATE site
  6. Practice their talk
  7. Then record it.


Zoom is a wonderful tool for virtual group gathering. Someone will need to run the show, someone very familiar with how zoom operates. This is where things could really go wrong. I suggest practicing with several of the participant a day or two before the event.

Videos on Planning Your PechaKucha

There are lots of videos about how to plan a PechaKucha. Here are a few that you might send to your presenters.

How to Use the PK Create on the International PechaKucha Website

If You Only Do One Thing Do This